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Jan Babington

Specialty & Certification

PhD Naturopathy, Founder Positivemoves Fitness Studio 1993. Masters in Teaching, BS in Physical Education, Coaching and Health. Certifications in Functional Medicine, Genomics Science and Life Coach. 

Doctor of Philosophy in Traditional Naturopathy, Clayton College of Natural Health, Master’s degree in Teaching, Grand Canyon University, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Coaching and Health, University of Minnesota. Recent Certifications and on-going accredited courses and training through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Field to Plate, Genomic Solutions Now, IFMNT (Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy). Certified Life Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Member of American Association of Drugless Practitioners.

Continuing education: Optimizing Athletic Performance Through Nutrition, Genomic Science and the Culinary Arts, Functional Genomics and Culinary Translation for Fitness and Performance, Culinary Genomics, Nutrition Prescription and the Nourishing Kitchen, and Hearth to Health.  

Founder and Co-owner of Positive Moves Fitness originated 1993 and still going strong, Consultant in Functional Medicine in Sports Nutrition, Health Teacher administering the Science and Medicine Academy Research and Development at Crescenta Valley High School. Initiating the following programs at the high school level in bringing Inline Skating, Cycling, Yoga and Competitive Mountain Bike Team which continue to be successful. Sports Nutrition Presenter and Consultant. Nutritional Coordinator for Pablove Across America and Fitness Ambassador to South Africa.


Nutrigenomics is the study of the relationship between genes and diet, and is used as an umbrella term for two complimentary approaches: how nutrients affect gene function and how genetic variation affects nutrient response.

  • Nutrients and bioactive molecules in food and spices impact gene expression

  • Nutrients modulate biochemical and metabolic pathways

  • Knowledge of genotypic advantages or challenges can guide and direct proactive, preventive, personalized action steps to boost athletic performance.

  • Major biological systems involved: Musculoskeletal, respiratory, GI tract, neurological, mitochondrial, biochemical, cardiovascular, nervous, psychological, hormonal, metabolic

  • Recent advances in genomics technologies have made the acquisition of personalized genetic information easily obtainable.


  • Evaluating gene predispositions in connection to athletic performance

  • Endurance capacity

  • Muscle performance (strength/Power)

  • Exchange of oxygen and CO2

  • Susceptibility to injuries

  • Recovery Time (Inflammation)

  • Body mass composition

  • psychological aptitude

  • nutrient requirements


  • Casual athletes: look good, have fun, improve self-esteem

  • Amateur athletes:  improve performance, avoid injury

  • Professional athletes: stay ahead of competition

  • Weekend warriors: stay in shape

  • Baby boomers: Maintain active lifestyle while aging

  • Clients with specific health issue: improve health, decrease meds


Genomic testing will help identify and answer questions such as:

  • What athletic activities are best based on my genomic makeup?  (endurance, power, strength or combination of endurance and power activities)

  • What risk for musculoskeletal injuries could I be predisposed to?

  • How much recovery time is needed between workouts due to genomic predisposition?

  •  What personal nutritional support (regimen) should I be focused on to optimize my health, fitness and/or athletic performance.

  •  How do I translate personalized nutrition plans into recipes and meals? (may include a hands-on culinary lab

  • What health risks are related to my exercise, training and competition?

  • How can I overcome certain genetic factors to achieve optimal athletic performance


All my services includes: Ordering Genomic Testing, Consultation in understanding the results of the genomic test, Develop a personalized nutrition program to optimize your health, fitness and/or athletic performance.

Translate personalized nutrition plans into recipes and meals (hands-on culinary lab)


Sports and Exercise Performance

Genomic Panel

$620.00  (test only)


Genomic Panel, interpretation and consultation package

Additional services to be determined accordingly

(developing a specialized nutrition protocol, developing personalized recipes, hands on culinary lab, etc.)


*Some limitations should be noted such as to what genomic testing cannot do in sports performance: detect or determine superior athletes, predict abilities or performance nor guarantee outcomes.



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